Saturday, May 21, 2011

The News Tribe » Effects of disastrous marriages on Children- By: Sanna Nasser Sheikh

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Relationship really matters when you really love someone and it also matters when you breakup your relation with whom which have a close association with you. It’s a part of life when the two persons decided to come close together and bond into a strong relationship called marriage. Its full time commitment what you have to done throughout the life. If it succeeds its fruitful if fails it’s a great destruction of your life and really effects on your children. It’s in all probability an overstatement but it’s true, the children who bear most after the marriage of their parents fails or their strong bonding of association fails. These effects of unsuccessful marriage can be easily seen on a on a teenager child because this is the age when the child is grooming up and much more sensitive about their neighboring and this failing relationship of their parents really terribly effects their emotional stages. If a child sees his parents always fighting in front of him and shows very aggressive behavior all the time and sooner or later in their parting ways. It’s a disastrous effect on the child especially if he becomes frustrated and at definite extents it also negatively affects his future relationship and the success of his or her marriage.
Frequently parents get caught up in a legal issue of the guardianship of their child, they arise a question who will take the custody of child. This is the main issue which spoils the brain of child, the state of affairs worsens. The child feels him/her self alone; when he sees their parents fight over him. In this age the child need special care and love from both mother and father but due to combat between their relationships it affects the innocent thoughts of the child. He feels incompleteness in the whole life if he stays with mother or father. No one can fill the empty space of his parents and try to remove such memories from his mind. This lack of enthusiasm in nature of emotions going on all the way through the life.
After the separation of their parents if one of them again marriage in this conditions the child unable to contact with his new parent, he becomes more depressed their personality diverges at all because he thinks no one loves him and this lack of love leads him to wrong effects like drug addiction, acute depression, insomnia etc. Mostly children faced the financial problems after the separation of their parents regarding to studies and future. This financial problem leads to severe depression, lack of money disturbs his studies he can not full fill their needs in the proper manner and darken the future.
If the situation is become bitterer most of the parents think the separation is not a solution and it will affect the child career. An abusive relationship can not help the child it cause even more damage than a failed marriage. So if the relationship gets abusive it is better to end it rather than sticking with it for the sake of the children. Cooperation and compromise is needed at both sides to make the bright future of your child.

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